Sy Van Clief
Height: 5-8
Weight: 145
Year: Frosh
High School: Downey HS / Downey (CA)
Major: Computer Animation
Instagram: syvanclief
Events: Sprints. Jumps

Downey HS: Specialized in the 100 meters (11.5), 200 meters (23.8), long jump (21’ 6”) and triple jump (42’ 8”)… Spent four seasons on the track and field team…..

Personal: Most memorable moment was recording his personal best marks… Aspires to be an animator… His father competed in basketball, football and martial arts… Hobbies include drawing… Has two siblings – Adam and Ever… Is the son of Ronald and Elsie Van Clief… Born on December 1, 2006…..

Favorite Food:  Fried Chicken                           Favorite TV Show: “Dragon Ball Z”